A Faithful Community

A Faithful Community

Located in the town of Wheelock, Vermont, South Wheelock Freewill Baptist Church is a small congregation seeking to show the love and truth of Jesus Christ to a lost and hurting world. We would love to have you join us for worship!

A Word of Welcome

Hello, Friend! Welcome to the website for our little community church in rural northern Vermont! It would be a tremendous joy to have you join us for worship, whether you are looking for a church to call home or merely visiting from out of town. We hope you will be encouraged and spiritually filled when you stop by for a visit on Sundays. Please know that your presence is absolutely welcome! Our church family is small but faithful, and it is always exciting to see new faces come through the doors. If you have any questions about our services, our sermons, or who to speak with if you’d like us to pray for you, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to help, and it is our great honor and privilege to pray for you.

Cross Centered

Without the cross, there is no gospel, and the gospel of Jesus is what unites us.

Guided by the Word

Week in and week out, we remain committed to the faithful preaching of God’s inspired Word.

Simple Worship

Our small congregation sincerely enjoys the simplicity of true and spiritual worship.

Join us For Worship

Services Every Sunday at 9 AM

Sharing Christ in Wheelock, Vermont

Wheelock is a small town with less than one thousand residents. For these people and others, South Wheelock Freewill Baptist Church is a small but bright light in the darkness, faithfully committed to sharing Christ with our community.

A Little Church with a Big Heart for the Community

Our church may be small, but our hearts are full of the love of God. We gather to worship God and encourage each other. It would be a tremendous joy to have you join us for worship!

  • A family-friendly congregation.

  • Committed to the preaching of the word.

  • Worshipping God in sincerity & simplicity.

Worship in Spirit and in Truth

Simple, yet Sincere

As we are a small church, our worship is very simple. But our highest aim is that our worship be sincere. Christ teaches us that “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth” (John 2:24).

Preaching Christ in all of Scripture

Preaching the Word

Scripture commands that we “Preach the word” (II Tim. 4:2). As a faithful church, we are committed to preaching God’s word every time we gather. To see more of what we believe, please see our belief summary.